The Fix Read online

Page 4

  With one hand, I took her wrists and pinned them on the arm of the couch above her head, teasing her breasts with my other hand, lightly running my fingers around each nipple and caressing each voluptuous breast before slowly, lazily, trailing my fingers down her stomach to her pelvic line. A fire lit behind her eyes as I eased her legs apart to find her already wet and ready for me to take her. I locked my eyes on hers as I slid a finger inside her, then two. She was so tight. I watched as her body writhed beneath my touch, fingering her faster and faster until I felt her muscles begin to tighten. I wanted this time to last but knew that both of us were so ready to just explode. I flipped her over on the couch so that her perfect little ass was pointing up towards me and I climbed on top of her. Pinning her hands behind her back, I positioned myself to be angled right over her before slowly sliding my throbbing cock deep into her.

  I worked hard to control myself as I heard her moans and felt her match my rhythm. Releasing her arms, I positioned myself even further on top of her, nearly laying on top of her, allowing me to reach even deeper. I began fucking her faster, harder, her body matching mine move for move; her screams growing louder as I brought her to the peak of ecstasy. I felt her muscles squeezing, making her feel even tighter around me. Neither of us could withhold any longer and with one deep thrust, I felt her cum all over my cock pushing me to the breaking point. I pulled out of her just in time to shoot my load all over her tight little ass.

  Time to get ready for round two.


  “Harvey! Pay attention! We lost you again,” I said, a little harsher than intended. He had zoned out twice on us in the past few minutes. His head snapped up and he looked at Mr. Watkins and myself.

  “I’m sorry. I just…this is…well this is just really hard…” and there in the room, right in front of us, big-shot Mr. Harvey Goldman, broke down and cried. He had himself under control within about 60 seconds, as most men do, but you could clearly see that this was taking a toll on him. I believed that he believed everything he’d told us so far, and if it was all true, he had been through hell.

  “Finish your story Harvey, what happened to my sister?” I urged him, passing him his glass of water. He took a sip and then continued, his head hung.

  “I stayed at her apartment for, well, for a little bit that night before she told me to leave,” he said a little shakily, avoiding eye contact. “I offered to stay but she insisted that I leave and take the night to get everything ready, that way her and I could leave right away the following morning. I didn’t want to leave, but I knew that she was right. I had to get everything prepared for a flawless getaway, so I left her there.” He drew a deep, shaky breath before continuing.

  “She must have thought it was me. I told her that night that I would be back for her first thing in the morning and that we would leave and never look back. She must have thought that I was the one at her door, when in reality it must have been one of Buruchi’s men. That’s when I did something that I will never forgive myself for. I went to her apartment later that morning and knocked on the door. It was locked. I thought that she had changed her mind, or that she had left without me and I got upset. I left in a huff and didn’t think to try and call her. A few days later I saw her death announced in the paper. That’s something that I’ll never be able to forget for as long as I’m alive. Not only had I not told her that I loved her, but I had let her get involved in my life, in its dangers. I didn’t do enough to protect her.

  “Her keys weren’t found in the apartment, so Buruchi’s men must have locked the door as they left, deterring any immediate visitors,” he sighed and let his head droop even further.

  “Harvey, I’m about to ask you something that you may think could get you in trouble but I’m going to need you to trust me,” said Mr. Watkins. Harvey looked up expectantly. Even I didn’t quite know what he was about to ask. This story was so deep already.

  “Two days before Penny died, she called me saying that she had proof of illegal activities happening within Legacy Investments. Can you explain any of this to me? What proof did she have?”

  Harvey sat back for a moment, deep in thought, before gracing us with his response. “She worked for the company as my administrative assistant. She had access, albeit limited, to my office. I can’t say for certain, because I never noticed anything truly suspicious or alarming, but she may have found a way to get into my computer files or something of that nature. If people were to do enough digging in all the locked-up places, Buruchi’s skeletons would come tumbling out in droves. She most likely found something involving an investment scam and was going to bust the company for it.”

  “Mr. Goldman, do you remember a Mr. and Mrs. West? Mr. West made an investment years and years ago, and he was prompted to do so by you. He clearly thought the investment opportunity was in his best interests since it was coming from a big company investor, he put much of his family’s savings towards the investment. Then, poof! The money vanished, the investment didn’t pan out. Do you remember this occurrence? Mr. West was Penny’s father. It appears that she was looking into her father’s investment to prove that there had been wrong doing.”

  Harvey’s eyes grew large in shock and his mouth slacked open slightly. Taking a moment to come to his senses, he directed his gaze towards me. “Can this world get any smaller? Kelly, I am so terribly sorry. I’ve done some bad stuff in my day and I’ve had to push forward with many bad investments because of Buruchi’s orders. I’m so sorry about what happened to your family and the fact that it has been at my hand can’t be easy for you to take. I will do everything in my power to help you.”

  Mr. Watkins started to pack up his papers before looking my way. “Time’s up,” he said quietly. All I could do was look at Harvey. At how his face was lined with worry, at how he truly seemed to care. Maybe there was a great man just dying to burst out from him. Maybe this would end up being the path that would turn him into that great man.

  “Mr. Goldman, we will be in touch. I’m going to do some digging and see what we can do to get the ball rolling in order to get to the bottom of this. For your cooperation in this investigation, I will do what I can to make your stay here as comfortable as possible, but I can’t make any promises,” Mr. Watkins said as he stood and extended his hand. Harvey reached out his own cuffed hands and they shook. As we turned to leave, I glanced back at Harvey.

  “Visit me?” he asked as if I was moving away to college and he was scared he’d never see me again.

  “I’ll see what I can do,” I said.


  My head was swimming with everything I had just heard. I wasn’t sure what was harder for me to swallow, the fact that Buruchi did such cruel things to people, or the fact that the man I was attracted to was in love with my sister. I knew one thing for sure: I believed everything that Harvey had told me.

  “Kelly? How are you holding up?” Mr. Watkins asked me, looking at me as if steam could burst from my ears and my head could rotate 360 degrees at any given moment. “I understand that that must not have been easy for you. Is there anything you need? Anything I can do?” He sounded so genuine. What a caring guy.

  A very, very sweaty, caring guy, I thought to myself as he pulled his handkerchief out of his pocket to dab at the beads of liquid gathering at his temples.

  “Thanks, Mr. Watkins. I’ll be alright.” I must not have sounded very convincing because he just gave me a sharp, quizzical look before starting up the car to take us back to my temporary home.

  “That’s a little odd,” said Mr. Watkins as we pulled in to the parking lot of the Four Seasons. “The car that Larry and Robert normally have ready near the edge of the lot over there,” he pointed towards the far side, “it’s not there. I wonder where they took off too.” Not thinking about it too much, assuming they had gone out for a quick bite to eat, we headed to the hotel lobby and up to my suite. As soon as we entered the room, something didn’t feel right. I looked around the room and spotted both Larry and Ro
bert standing by the window, talking silently to each other. When they heard me come in, their heads shot up and both looked in my direction.

  “What’s going on, we saw that your car isn’t in the lot?” I asked as I placed my purse on the table and started slipping off my shoes.

  “We had to move our car just to be safe. We’ve got a small problem. The SUV was spotted today. We also got word sent up from the front desk that they had to ask two men to leave after they came in and began questioning who was renting this suite. It looks like we’ve been found. We’re going to have to leave the hotel. I haven’t seen the SUV tonight so I think we can get away without being seen if we move quickly,” Robert explained very quickly. Larry had already started moving the second Robert began talking and was beginning to grab all of the things we had packed, getting them ready to be loaded into the car.

  “Kelly,” said Mr. Watkins from the doorway behind me. “I’m going to leave you in Larry and Robert’s capable hands and take my leave. I’ll contact you with more information. In the meantime, if you have any questions, contact me directly.” I nodded and watched him shuffle out of the suite and down the hall.

  “Okay Kelly,” Robert said as the door to the suite closed. “Here’s how we want this to go. I’ll take you with me, somewhere safe. You can chose to nap or wear a blindfold, I don’t mind which. For your own safety, I can’t let you know where you’re going other than that it’s a safe house. Larry and these other two,” he pointed his finger towards the two guards that normally stood by the door, “will get everything loaded up and then they’ll meet us there shortly. Feeling up for this?”

  “I don’t suppose there’s much I can really do about it either way,” I replied.

  “Nope, not really,” retorted Robert. I slid back into my shoes as Robert ushered me out of the room and down to the main floor. A bellhop met us and led us to a back employee entrance. He held the back door of his car open for me and after I was safely inside, he walked around and hopped into the driver’s seat. “Nap or blindfold, your choice?” he asked, holding out a plain black blindfold.

  “I’ll take the blindfold, but I’m still going to nap. I just want to block out the light.” I took the blindfold and slipped it over my head. I heard him chuckle from the driver’s seat and then the engine roared to life.


  It felt like no time at all before I felt Robert’s hand on my shoulder, gently nudging me awake. I had dozed off so quickly that I could barely even remember leaving the hotel parking lot.

  I have to start getting better sleep at night.

  I took the blindfold off and stepped out of the car. I took a quick look around as Robert started fishing for something in the glove compartment.

  It was clear that we had come up through a gated driveway. Near the gate was a small building that looked like an outhouse. Probably something that had been used for kids in the winter when they were waiting for the school bus, but had now been converted into a guard-station. To people coming up the drive from the other side, it would appear as a run-down little shack, but from this side, I could see through a small window to a couple of TV monitors and an older man in uniform kicked back in a chair with his feet up on his desk.

  The house before us was quaint. It looked like it may have served a purpose for a small family home at one point. It was a single story house with the standard wooden front porch and white shutters. I couldn’t see through the windows due to some kind of thick curtain that hung on the inside. The well-maintained lawn was bordered by fencing that separated a forest from the garden. The view and the sound of the wildlife around us told me that we were well away from the city.

  Robert led me up to the front door and entered a number on a keypad behind a fake, swinging, wall-mounted mailbox. A man’s voice came over the speaker.

  “A yellow bird with a yellow bill.”

  “You’re going to need to remember this, if you come onto the grounds,” Robert told me. He leaned a little closer to the receiver. “Sat upon my window sill.”

  “I lured him in with…” continued the bodiless male voice.

  “A piece of bread,” replied Robert.

  I must have worn my utter confusion on my face because Robert smirked and said, “The main guard is a Marine. Well, he’s out now, but you know, once a Marine always a Marine. It’s a part of one of his old service cadences.”

  We heard a bolt slide and the door opened for us. I was shocked stepping inside. I had never been in a safe house but it sounded like something that would be armed to the teeth, but walking in to this house felt like walking into a family home.

  We walked immediately into a small living room with a fireplace, simple furniture and a powder blue color scheme. I sat my purse on the small table near the door and slipped off my shoes. I always hated walking around houses with my shoes still on. It just felt rude.

  “Here, I’ll give you a tour,” Robert said as he began walking towards the far end of the room. He led me down a small hallway towards the back of the house and pointed out that there was an adequate bathroom, a small guest-room, and one larger bedroom at the end of the hall. Each one was simply furnished and oozed a cozy ambiance. “We will have 2 guards here at all times, one in the main room, and one in the monitor room which I’ll show you in a minute. The larger bedroom is yours to use while you’re here and the smaller bedroom is where the guards will sleep.” He led me back down the hallway and to the opposite end of the living room where there was a swinging door. He pushed it open and held it for me as I entered a decent sized kitchen with a little island in the middle and a small dining table in the far right corner.

  “There’s quite a bit of food stocked in here already but if you need anything else, we will arrange to have one of the guards get it for you. Under no circumstances are you to leave this house alone. Even if you just go out to walk the yard, make sure one of the guards knows where you are.”

  I liked the fact that I was safe, but the constant attention?

  I better get a little private time, that’s for sure.

  Robert walked towards the far corner of the kitchen. I hadn’t noticed it before but there was a door that matched the color of the walls. He opened the door and, to my surprise, led me down a flight of stairs to an unfinished basement. Monitors lined a stretch of wall and there was a computer in the corner. Under the staircase, I could see boxes upon boxes, all labeled for clothes, or food, or toiletries and such. At least they were prepared. Sitting in front of a desk in the corner that overlooked some of the monitors, next to a keypad and speaker box, was an older gentleman. The only way I could tell he was older was the silver streaking his hair and the lines around his eyes, everything else on him screamed trained, disciplined, and not out of shape. He had an upright demeanor and cleanly chiseled features.

  “Kelly, this is Mick. He’s the head of security. He’s the man that will be helping to make sure your stay here is both comfortable and safe. Anything you need, any questions you have, go to Mick. And be sure to listen to, and to do, whatever he says,” explained Robert as he shook Mick’s hand.

  “Don’t let him get you too nervous. I’m technically retired so I’m not nearly as hard to get along with as I used to be,” smiled Mick as he reached out to shake my hand. He had such a firm grip.

  “Alrighty, well let’s get back upstairs. Kelly, I want to explain some of the things that will be going on over the next couple of weeks, that way you’re aware of what’s happening. When the other guards arrive or switch off, Mick will introduce you to them so at this point, we’re just going to go over a general timeline.” We headed back upstairs to take a seat in the cozy blue living room.

  “Well, I never liked beating around the bush so just give it to me straight. How long will I need to stay here?” I asked.

  “I have to be honest, I can’t tell you everything, it’s for your own safety,” he said.

  Our attentions were quickly directed outside. I saw that what I thought was a thick curt
ain blocking the window, was actually some kind of special tint. It reminded me of double mirrors, we could see out but they couldn’t see in.

  How neat!

  We all looked out to the driveway as the gate opened and another car pulled up next to Robert’s.

  “That must be Larry. I’ll go out and help him while you talk to her a little more on this subject,” said Mick as he rose and headed out the front door. Robert looked back at me as I settled, once more, into the couch.

  “Unfortunately, I can’t say that this will be over soon. This process could take several weeks at minimum. We need to do some scouting and some digging. There are lots of variables here that we have to be 100% in tune with. We’re going to be digging through Legacy Investments and their history, along with every move they’ve made; we’re going to be sifting through everything we have on Buruchi and we’ll also be monitoring his porn company and its warehouse sites. As far as this type of stuff goes, I’m sorry to say that right now, you just have to wait here and be safe. There isn’t anything you can help us with. However, this does not mean that we won’t be in contact with you periodically. You’ll hear from us or Mick about the events that unfold or he details that are uncovered. How’s all that sound so far?”

  Although I’m sure he was trying to hide it, he looked exhausted. I could tell that work was taking quite the toll on him.

  “I’m sure I’ll survive,” I smiled at him. He flashed me a slight smile back.

  “While Larry and I are on the job, Mick will be your go-to guy. If you need anything from town and such, let Mick know and he’ll arrange to have one of the guards get it for you. The only places that you are allowed to be until I contact you and tell you otherwise, is inside this house, and in the immediate grounds, but only if the guards know you’re there.”